Model your product lines
3D adds an innovative aspect to the presentation of your products. It allows to quickly reach to your prospects while meeting your business goals.
You are industrialists:
- Gain visibility of your products by presenting them in the bank models 3D Warehouse .
- Facilitate the use of your products by creating a library of your products into dynamic components.
Adebeo offers 3D modeling using the following method:
- Adebeo is available to set up your specifications and define the outputs / results in line with your goals and your budget.
- To set your models, you provide either:
- photos pictures
- Autocad files, Solidworks, Inventor, ProE, SolidEdge, Catia, …
- images & sketches
- paper plans.
- excels spread sheets.
- or even the product themselves that we can scan in 3D.
- Our team of 3D modelers performs a pilot job. The modeling is carried out in combination with ruby script developed for the project.
- Following the validation from the Pilot job, the models are created. The models created can contain metadata, such as references, descriptions, BIM data, technical information that can be used to perform automated reports. We also have the ability to increase ownership of textures required for photorealistic rendering software (Vray, Thearender …) as the reflection or shine.
- We can massively submit your files in the 3DWarehouse.
We encourage you to use the 3D to boost your sales, enjoy the adebeo expertise to facilitate in achieving your goals!